
Heart-touching Experience

Kenya trip 2010 was an amazing, heart-touching experience. While I was there, many people I met asked what brought me there? They were probably wondering how this American born girl who spoke no Chinese came to join the team. However, one thing that I have learned from this trip is the power of the holy spirit and how God can work through your heart. Even though there was a language barrier, God still provided and i was still able to worship and pray with everyone else.

I must admit it was a little difficult at first to adjust to not being able to understand the messages, but through the trip God used each and everyone of you to remind me that praising God and having fellowship is something that comes from the heart. I thought it was so cool how I was able to still worship God with the team in a different language. I have come to love each and every one of you as my brother and sister in Christ.

It was an amazing experience being able to serve with the team, and I will miss everyone very much! Pastor talked about God's love in a lot of the morning services, which reminded me that we have the most amazing father in heaven, as well as the best gift of God's grace. His love is so powerful and should overwhelm us to spread the good news with others. I thought this was a very touching reminder of our mission as Christians. Interacting with the people of Kenya was a life changing experience. I learned so much from them, seeing them so thankful for even the littlest things. I can see how God is working through the church as well as I-link with all the work that is being done with the mission teams and Comido school. I will continue to pray for the leaders and the pastors who return every year, and i hope to return next year!

"therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:20

God bless!

-- Michelle Chuang

3 則留言:

  1. Next year I plan to appoint you and private interpreter. Good sharing and thanks.

  2. 各位好,我是一個基督徒,輾轉取得肯亞後援會2012年的桌曆,試著按著桌曆上所載之部落格網址來到這裏,很想知道有什麼可以幫忙的?若是沒有,那麼,我會為你們代禱.

  3. Michelle,Thank you very much for spent your time and energy to serve the people of Kenya!I am a Chinese Catholic priest who is working here in Kenya!Hope one day that we can contact each other!God bless you!
